
lundi 23 mai 2011

Re: [sap-career] From non-IT domain to SAP FI

Posted by sadhdilip (Engagement Director)
on May 23 at 8:58 AM
Sorry to hear about your problem. Transition to anything new is always difficult.
I will suggest to look for junior level positions and may be some user level experience too.

Thank you

Dilip sadh

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---------------Original Message---------------
From: nigamAMBRISH
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2011 4:19 AM
Subject: From non-IT domain to SAP FI

Dear Gurus,

Recently I made a bold decision to switch from Finance having domain experience exceeding 10 Years to SAP FI, luckly I got certified too, but disappointed with very poor & dismal to no response from employers. AM I on wrong track or there is no road from me for future.

I am really fixed at the mid of the road ? Can someone guide me? I am not a CA, but holds a very rich exposure to Service Sector. as a business manager, handling a large team and hubs. Do I qualify to explore my career as project manager / team manager rather than a developer. I rate myself excellent as process developer. Can I look forward a lucrative opportunity in near future or will have to make some compromise initially

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