
mardi 26 juillet 2011

Re: [sap-career] IDES (SAP Demo system) experience only

Posted by VidhyaDhar (User-friendly SAP FI Consultant)
on Jul 26 at 9:57 AM

I suppose adequate practice in IDES gives you sufficient exposure to basic
SAP related concepts. However, what is more important is the fact that you
should be thorough with all business processes which you can gain by way of
practical domain experience ( each day in a real time scenario you would be
facing different sorts of practical problems to be solved....some
configuration related and some process related problems ).

However, if is also true that copy book practice is the basis of all things
though there are other things that you can learn such as data upload , LSMW
, IDOC, LOCKBOX etc. to name a few are learnt better when you try them out
in real life.



---------------Original Message---------------
From: Thomas_Dulaney
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 9:20 AM
Subject: IDES (SAP Demo system) experience only

I once had a friend who seriously thought he could become a pro golfer by only practicing at the driving range and on the putting green. So? here's the question? how do you think he did? Is it possible to become a professional golfer if you've never really played a round of golf? It's been 20 years and I haven't seen him on the pro circuit, so I'm assuming he kept his day job.

Practicing SAP on an IDES system is no different than expecting to master golf at the driving range. It's an artificial environment and without real users banging on the system creating real problems, you'll never really know how to solve real world problems. No one in a hiring position is going to consider IDES experience. IDES is a great supplement to real world experience. You may run into issues that are difficult to troubleshoot in your day to day job that you can address with IDES. You may want to do some what-if scenario tangents, that your day job might not be happy with if you were to try them on their system. But it's not going to substitute for doing the job, day to day. Having said that, you might win some brownie points for showing initiative, but that would only give you an advantage over another person with absolutely no real world experience. If you're up against someone with even 6 months real world experience, you'll probably lose.

Just my opinion!

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