
samedi 7 janvier 2012

Re: [sap-career] Which One Is Better for SAP Training out of NIIT, Atos and Genovate?

Reply from raviprakashb on Jan 7 at 1:42 PM

What divya said was absolutely countable. But if you go for regular class room
training, try to find out good faculty, or for on-line training, the system is same for all the
institutes. Try to find out some guys, those who are undergoing training for certification
in different institutes and take their opinion.

All the best.

ravi prakash

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Divyasri Dave
Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2012 12:51 PM
Subject: Which One Is Better for SAP Training out of NIIT, Atos and Genovate?


No offence intended to Ravi, but I just wanted to mention Genovate in Hyderabad is not that good when compared to ATOS and NIIT. And also I guess the discount is just to attract the crowd cause most of the candidates are actually preferring ATOS/NIIT over Genovate. Please just think twice. Just a hitch, why would they offer discount when the others are not offering any and still have candidates coming in.


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